How far along? 20 weeks Sleep:Sleep is actually going ok. Best moment this week: Prenatal massage! Movement:Feeling lots of movements, none from the outside yet. Symptoms: Slowly feeling sick less often. Symptoms I DON'T have: not sure. Food cravings:Dr Pepper, fruit, popcorn Food aversions: Fast food Gender: Going to try to find out at the anatomy scan - April 10. Belly Button in or out? innie. What I miss: Beer/Wine What I am looking forward to: Our vacation in 2 months, making up the baby room. Milestones:Finally halfway there. Size of Baby: Banana
How far along? 17 weeks Sleep:Sleep is actually going ok. Best moment this week: Having enough energy to make a lasagna. Movement:Feeling them once in a while, mostly at night Symptoms: Still sick Symptoms I DON'T have: not sure. Food cravings:raspberries, airheads, sour candies Food aversions: not too many Gender: Going to try to find out at the anatomy scan - I should find out my appt soon. Belly Button in or out? innie. What I miss: Feeling healthy. What I am looking forward to: the end of winter, our trip to Montreal Milestones: In second trimester, inching toward halfway done. Size of Baby: Onion