Thursday, 25 June 2015

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks
Sleep: Waking early, having a hard time getting comfortable.
Best moment this week:  Having Monday off and getting a massage! That was really nice.
Movement: Still feeling lots, mostly when I am laying down.
Symptoms: Tired, and having lots of bad stomach pains at night. Probably Braxton Hicks. Back aches.
Symptoms I DON'T have: not sure.
Food cravings: Fresh fruit, cucumbers
Food aversions: not really any

Gender: Girl!!!
Belly Button in or out? Flat now. I never did get an outie with Burke.
What I miss: Energy
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery! We really need to do this! Also next weekend is a very long weekend. I have Wednesday - Sunday off. Yay.
Milestones: I have 49 days until my due date! and 28 days until I am full term. Exciting! But my to do list is very long. At least I will be off work in 3 weeks.
Size of Baby:

Durian Fruit

Weekly Belly Picture:

Thursday, 18 June 2015

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 weeks
Sleep: Waking early, having a hard time getting comfortable.
Best moment this week:  Appt on Monday,  Tommy went to an appt with me and the Dr asked how I was and I said good. Tommy gave me an incredulous look and said "don't lie" LOL. The doctor started laughing and said "oh she means even though I'm still throwing up and have leg cramps and my back hurts and my hips hurt and I'm in pain and dizzy, I'm good"
Movement: Feeling lots of kicks now, mostly when I wake up or go to sleep. Some rolling. Dr. says she is head down still which is good.
Symptoms: Still feeling tired and getting dizzy.
Symptoms I DON'T have: not sure.
Food cravings: Fresh fruit, ice cream
Food aversions: not really any

Gender: Girl!!!
Belly Button in or out? Flat now. I never did get an outie with Burke.
What I miss: Energy
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery!
Milestones: I am just waiting for full term at 37 weeks now in terms of milestones. I guess getting off of work would be one! I am done July 17 at 36 weeks. Yay.
Size of Baby:


Weekly Belly Picture:

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Nursery and Baby clothes

Yesterday we bought all of the nursery furniture! Yay!

We got this crib:

This Change Table:

And this rug (5' x 7'):

We have a wooden rocking chair to put in the room too. I couldn't find curtains I liked so I will wait to get those, and decided to wait on buying the light fixture since I just don't think we'll have time to put it up.

And some of the baby clothes we have so far:

So cute!

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 weeks
Sleep: Sleeping a little bit better, but waking up pretty early.
Best moment this week:  Had an awesome vacation and then buying all the nursery furniture yesterday! 
Movement: Feeling lots of kicks now, mostly when I wake up or go to sleep.
Symptoms: Still feeling tired and nauseous but not as bad.
Symptoms I DON'T have: not sure.
Food cravings: cucumbers
Food aversions: not really any

Gender: Girl!!!
Belly Button in or out? Flat now. I never did get an outie with Burke.
What I miss: Energy
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery!
Milestones: I am just waiting for full term at 37 weeks now in terms of milestones. I guess getting off of work would be one! I am done July 17 at 36 weeks. Yay.
Size of Baby:


Weekly Belly Picture:

30 Weeks

Weekly Belly Picture: