Thursday 30 July 2015

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks
Sleep: Pretty much none. Have had consistent contractions
Best moment this week:  Spending time with Burke, he's been pretty good.
Movement: A lot less movement now. I think she is in the correct position and has moved down a lot.
Symptoms: Lots of contractions. Pretty frustrating! 
Food cravings: apple crisp
Food aversions: none.

Gender: Girl
Belly Button in or out? Outie.
What I miss: A glass of wine/beer.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting our little girl / the birth.
Milestones: None just waiting on my due date. I am pretty much done with this experience!!
Size of Baby:

Weekly Belly Picture:

Monday 27 July 2015

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks
Sleep: Sleeping in 2 or 3 hour spurts due to contractions. 
Best moment this week:  Finished up my freezer meals! Kim, Kira and I made Shepard's Pie, Tex Mex Casserole, and Chicken Broccoli casserole (11 meals), and then I made an extra 2 batches of meatballs so that I can make meatballs and rice quickly. Plus one batch of butter chicken. That will sure help.
Movement: Movements have slowed down for sure. She had dropped a lot and isn't as active. I got a massage and now she is in the center not on my left side. That makes me hopeful that the contractions can actually make some progress now!
Symptoms: Contractions. Had to have an NST because her heart rate was in the 180s (they don't like to see in the 160s) but everything turned out ok. 
Food cravings: Cold beer, cake, toast with peanut butter and jam.
Food aversions: not really any.

Gender: Girl
Belly Button in or out? Outie.
What I miss: Energy, sleep, feeling ok.
What I am looking forward to: Labor. 
Milestones: I am now full term! Hoping baby takes after Burke and comes early.
Size of Baby:

Winter Melon

Weekly Belly Picture:

Thursday 16 July 2015

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks
Sleep: Surprisingly sleeping a little bit better, even though the contractions can make it difficult. 
Best moment this week:  My work baby shower! We had a potluck with lots of great food, and they gave me a diaper cake and gift card. Super nice!
Movement: Movements have slowed down for sure. She had dropped a lot and isn't as active.
Symptoms: Contractions. Dr's appt yesterday showed that my cervix is thinned and she could feel baby's head. She said usually the head will float back up, but she is fully engaged and ready to go. She said "See you at the hospital or here next week if you make it!" as I was leaving. 
Symptoms I DON'T have: not sure.
Food cravings: Fresh fruit, blueberries and whipped cream, cake, chocolate, white bubbly wine
Food aversions: not really any.

Gender: Girl!!!
Belly Button in or out? Outie.
What I miss: Energy, being not slow at everything.
What I am looking forward to: Picking out a coming home outfit, buying newborn clothes.
Milestones: Done work tomorrow!
Size of Baby:

Weekly Belly Picture:

Work Baby Shower :)

Wednesday 8 July 2015

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 weeks
Sleep: Waking up lots. I have been having tons of contractions every night between 4-8 or 9. They go from every 10 minutes to every 7 minutes and then peter out again. 
Best moment this week:  Finishing up the nursery. So glad that is done. Carseat and gear is washed, clothing I will reuse is washed
Movement: Not a lot of room left in there for her to move, but I feel it when I'm laying down.
Symptoms: Contractions. Dr. says this is prodromal labour and my body is working up to real labour. Should go by faster once it gets here. I definitely printed and filled out all of the admitting forms for Saskatoon Hospital (RUH) and Regina General Hospital and threw them in the glove box with copies of my insurance JUST IN CASE. Bringing my labor bag and carseat. Which means it definitely won't happen since I am prepared haha.
Symptoms I DON'T have: not sure.
Food cravings: Fresh fruit, blueberries and whipped cream, chinese food
Food aversions: not really any.

Gender: Girl!!!
Belly Button in or out? Outie.
What I miss: Energy, being not slow at everything.
What I am looking forward to: Getting in my last bike rides of the summer with Burke, picking out a coming home outfit, buying newborn clothes, Brittany's wedding.
Milestones: I have 1 more weeks of work left! 35 weeks, 35 days to go! (Well, I hope not.)
Size of Baby:

Weekly Belly Picture:

Sunday 5 July 2015

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks
Sleep: Waking early, having a hard time getting comfortable, but sleeping better this time.
Best moment this week:  I've had a pretty chill week, I had a 5 day weekend. The best part was finishing a huge amount of our to dos.
Movement: Not a lot of room left in there for her to move, but I feel it when I'm laying down.
Symptoms: Tired, Braxton Hicks (I had 4 hours of 10 minute apart contractions on Friday night). Back aches.
Symptoms I DON'T have: not sure.
Food cravings: Fresh fruit, blueberries and whipped cream, chinese food
Food aversions: not really any

Gender: Girl!!!
Belly Button in or out? It's actually starting to become a bit of an outie.
What I miss: Energy, being not slow at everything.
What I am looking forward to: Getting in my last bike rides of the summer with Burke, picking out a coming home outfit, buying newborn clothes.
Milestones: I have 2 more weeks of work left, and 3 weeks until full term.
Size of Baby:

Butternut Squash

Weekly Belly Picture:

Nursery Pictures!